São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

The true soul of the rodeo world

Yes sir, they are everywhere, from the simplest to the most beautiful. What would be of great performances and its famous singers at the end of a night of rodeo, the biggest openings of the beginning of a championship horses or even like the moment of victory for a cowboy, yes sir, can you believe without them, no would be nothing, because the richer will be present at every party who can go, but the humble will also almost impossible to be there in the grandstands, the grid of the arena in Bretes in cabins, backstage or wherever if you can get a great love or a dream come true, yes,in  these that places is will  have,  a young woman, fan of the Rodeo, or of the feast of the cowboy, of all ages, all races and creeds, but insistent on showing her beauty and proving its value, with its strong presence, but back to the beginning of our conversation, what would be the Rodeo and its major events without women. Our magazine today, honoring those who value women anonymous, and  they enriching these big productions, for which we know to be the reason for everything, the young women of our  style country   world.

Mounted on the wall of photos by André Dhandréa, appointed and chosen by country duo "Anderson and Alessander" photos of our beautiful women young people, honored for our  Magazine, for his common interest and dedication to our work

1 - Luana Escada - Palestina-SP / 2 - Natália Santana - Palestina-SP
3 - Lídia Queiróz - São José do Rio Preto-SP / 4 - Michelly Rodrigues - São José do Rio Preto-SP / 5 - Mima Rodrigues - Uruará-MT / 6 - Jéssica de Paula - Campos Altos-MG / 7 - Viviane Prates - Palestina-SP / 7 - Drielle Araújo - Palestina-SP / 8 - Gabriela Araújo - Uberaba-MG / 9 - Jéssica Marques - Palestina-SP / 10 - Daiane Ribeiro - São José do Rio Preto-SP / 11 - Jéssica Souza - Icém-SP / 12 - Flavielle - Palestina-SP / 13 - Jaqueline Andressa - Mirassolandia-SP / 14 - Cristiellen Campanha - Palestina-SP.
Written and Edited by Dionisio Dhandréa