São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

*João lucas Campos Wins final of Pendleton Whisky Welocity Tour * 2023

 National ranking leader Joáo lucas Campos won in the Final Stage of the Pendleton Whiskey Velocity Tour in the United States and secured a spot for the 2023 PBR grand final.

Facing competitors from five countries, he didn't have an easy start to the dispute, but he overcame himself and reached the dream result with a total of 175.50 points, earning the equivalent of 184,000 reais in Dollars.
now gears up for the PBR World Grand Finals taking place May 12 & 21, 2023 at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas.