The beautiful city of Guapiaçu-SP will had his monument to Cowboy's Road, also in honor of the "Heroes Anonymous of Cowboy Road" in honor to cowboys olden, and this decision was commented between a conversation, and recorded in a public information video, destined for press and public. The first woman-mayor of that city received the Director of the Magazine BRF, Dionisio Dhandréa, said preparations for the "Feast of Cowboy" , which will be at August 31 to September 3 of 2011, is on proceeding. In his office official Ivanete Vetorasso, commented on the difficulties and joys of exercising public power with great analytical capacity of leadership, in a region that the vast and overwhelming majority is ruled by men, she which has made a point to announce their schedule, said names of singers to hired for the concerts , noting the traditions spoke in considerations of culture, in support to wrangling in horses, and also in to take this knowledge to our childrens.
By Dionisio Dhandréa