São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

Anniversary of the broadcasting-station "Poléia Fm"

 After a meeting with the team of BRF, the Group Rhaas fire to the Palestina public

In a extensive performance of more than ten hours of shows, some stars of the day, the country duo "Anderson and Alessander", the irreverent country duo "Tanatã and Luã", the young singer "Adão Junior" of State of Minas Gerais, and the surprise international event, the singer "Dionisio Dhandréa" singing "Susan When She Tried"

The city of Palestina was all in celebration this past Sunday, Sept. 18, when finished the great feast to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his great radio station  "Poléia FM", adiministrada by its owner Hadailton Ferreira, who in three Shows days with dozens of artists, led to little town, the approximate amount of eighty singers and artists from all states of Brazil, the magazine "Brazilian Rodeo Flashes" on this event, interviewed and photographed the best moments of Sunday, the singers began to your performances around 15:30pm and when we left the place at about 00:43pm, the event was not over yet, of the most famous composers, singers sertanejos of tradition, and even the latest line of singers sertanejos and young people took turns on stage to perform for a rodeo arena, full of anxious citizens, waiting to see, their favorite singers, behind a long list of singers, great news stunned residents, visitors and artists present when the singer "Dionisio Dhandréa" took the stage, invited by the owner of Radio Poléia FM , and sang several hits from the United States, recorded by Elvis Presley, including the Country music "Susan When She Tried" and "Words", praised  by  presenter of the day, when Dhandréa left  the stage,  received praise from established names of Brazilian country music, as the singers Henrique Mattos and singer-songwriter Fatima Leão and all these technical professionals, who were unanimous in congratulating him, the report collected here some photos of the best moments, which you can see.

In an excellent work in this small and beautiful city, the BRF congratulates the Radio and  its Officers, congratulations. 

 The second meeting of Dionisio Dhandréa and country duo "Tanatã e Luã" in a long conversation behind the scenes in the VIP area of the artists on issues of production and dissemination.