São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.


Born and raised in Carneirinho - MG , Pedro Emilio stands out as a narrator of rodeos, recording everything that happens in a rodeo arena.

Inspired by the verses of Asa Branca, Ivan Diniz, Pedro Emilio is more than seven years as a narrator and three as a professional and has been working with professionalism, charisma and humility.

This path brought her significant achievements in his career, such as the prize in the contest of the narrators of rodeo in Barretos - SP in 2005, which were more than fifty professionals in the industry.

Moreover, the fact that he recounted in the country as the main arenas: Barretos - SP, Rio Verde - GO, Carneirinho - MG, Três Lagoas - MS, Torixoréu - MT, Araxá - MG, Itapajipe - MG, Medeiros - MG, Adamantina - SP , And other major events, makes him an accomplished speaker.

Gradually this young talent is climbing among the best in your space. He has the sound effects of the DJ THE FLASH .

And it is in a strong voice and style that Pedro Emilio has gained distinction in the rodeo and is our FOCUS ANNOUNCER week.

To hire it call (34) 9992-8692 or 9166-2397