São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

A Brazilian Cowboy for the Guiness Book

Illustrious and prominent presence in numerous civic parades, Waldemar Lopes da Silva in imminent pose with his inseparable horse "Spark"

In the year 2002 to 2003, began to take shape a feeling that later would have a different impact, passive to the most relevant awards and accolades from the cultural hinterland of our country, was thus born under the command of Waldemar Lopes da Silva, assisted by his sons, Adalberto Lopes da SilvaDagoberto and Adalto, the Association "feeling of hurt of cowboy"  in Cosmorama city in the region of state of São Paulo of town of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, in addition to being an introverted figure while charismatic Waldemar has envolved and gained prominences with the movement of  civic commemorative ride  in horses, linking its association with the movement to recognize the path of Historic Road of Cowboy, from year 2003, which ran how the old road of circuit  land, for transport of cattle linking the cities of Paranaíba the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, to Barretos town, in the state of Sao Paulo, movement  which culminated in the production of two historical monuments in honor of the  cowboy in these two cities in Brazil, prepared and executed by the artist Dionisio de Dhandréa. Since then Waldemar was become, this character of legitimating  of country feeling and tradition heritage, of our region has become mandatory your presence in endless  events,  and especially commemoratives parade, riding on hundreds of municipalities always aided and accompanied by his faithful companion,  a wonderful black horse, named "Spark," which appears in all the newspapers and magazines of Brazil, in a prancing pose, in his saddle Mr. Waldemar, who currently struggle for recognition and registration into the record books "The Guinness Book." by all events what  acted, as a personality  riding horses in events, in the our country, the international magazine  "Brazilian Rodeo Flashes" visited this Thursday on 03 November, this pavilion alive, at his residence on Farm Carrilho, and witnessed a vast colection of pictures, medals, diplomas awards and trophies, many can not imagine for an unforgettable afternoon coffee.

Receiving  one more  a special trophy, by your participating in more an  equestrian event , Waldemar Lopes da Silva demonstrates contentment and satisfaction.

His status is so lot,  to what  be   constantly asked  by the mayors and deputies, authorities generally for large events is well-known and common thing, Waldemar at seventy age, rides as a child and follows an agenda of to give envy, for now prepares to inaugurate the monument in tribute to the cowboy, for town of Cosmorama, which opens on the banks of the cowboy road that passes in  the back of his farm, carried out and carved into the concrete, the monument will be four feet in height and is also being produced by the plastic artist Dionisio de Dhandréa.

In Ceremony at the beginning of the  Movement of Recognition historic of Cowboy Road, in  this photo speaks as the Mayor of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Edinho Araújo, and next to the Artist-Plastic  Dionisio de Dhandréa, the composer Indio Vago, owner of the song so named "feeling of Hurt  of Cowboy" great  old  song  of Brasil , Dr. Aguinaldo José de Goes  Commissioner of the Fellowship" Sovereign Boi ", and other personalities in the left corner of the last Waldemar Lopes da Silva.