São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

The Revelation of 2013 Gabi Honorato

 The Promotional Flyer 2013 of Gabi Honorato

A girl who loves to sing, this winning very many hearts and fans in the region of São José do Rio Preto, resident in the city of Palestina and 12 years of age but under the name Gabi Honorato, it would be nothing other than other children of talent,if in this year, in feast of cowboy Palestine in 2013, did to sing with, one of the largest Country Duo of Brazil "João Bosco and Vinicius".
Gabi started singing alone on all places, and has the attitude as something natural or of family, since she is the niece of Renato, the singer of other Country Duo "Maycon and Renato", which was gradually encouraging the child, which now reaches already public attention on the big stage of the great events in the region.

Gabi Honorato and Dionisio de Dhandréa in days of classes and vocal improvement

The young singer was presented by his father to Dionisio de Dhandréa, Mr. Silvio on a barbecue in a Farm that city, that after a few lessons stage posture, intonation, and voice, added by Dhandréa, began complete their solo performances and already has a demo CD that proudly displays on this record including the music, with which opens or closes the great feasts of cowboys and rodeos, the famous "Ave Maria", of shulbert, which has been more than requested in all the cities of our region.

Constant backstage at the big shows, Gabi in photography with the singer Ricardo of country duo "João Victor and Ricardo" in day os concert of singers "Bruno e Marrone"

Knowing this,meet the child singer is to risk becoming enchanted altogether, since beauty is a further addition to his talent that promises much success in the future, congratulations Gabi.