New Music Give a New Time To Anderson and Alessander
The novelty is that the new hit by Anderson and Alessander is performed on Radios FM and gives the Country Duo a new period in the musical career of these two singers.
The new song is called "Wath Good would be" ( Que Bom Seria ), and has entered into great popular acceptance, and requests from broadcasters to perform it again are constant.
Musical composition is by ( Honor & Grace. ) Dionisio de Dhandréa, who carried out this work, thinking about the continuity of the singers' career that currently adds a large number of fans across the country.
In times of seclusion, Anderson and Alessander, did not rest, and given thousands of requests, held their LIVE on May 17, 2020, broadcast on Facebook and Instagram
The Radio that has most noticed and followed the progress of Anderson and Alessander's success is Radio FM Clube, from the Town of Fronteira in the state of Minas Gerais, which responds at least twenty times a day to requests from listeners who also call from the Town of Icem, on the other side of the State line, on the side of the State of São Paulo, that insistently ask for the songs "Que Bom Seria" and the other "Somos Bons de Mola", since this second song is very appreciated by truck drivers in general to hear on the road. Another Radio FM, which has noticed the growing success of the two singers is Radio Poleia FM from the Town of Palestina, in the State of São Paulo, which already promotes the new phase of their career and performs for the listeners incessantly, the new music, given the popular request, and this year in spite of all the occurrences Anderson and Alessander are matters of the moment even among professional musicians.
The song "Que Bom Seria" is really successful, as it is already heard on the internet and other means of transmission, even in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil, initiated by girls who come into contact with the singers Anderson and Alessander, and ask for other songs from your repertoire. The renowned Country Announcer and narrator of Rodeios, Mr. Dário Neto, did not hesitate to play the songs of Anderson and Alessander, and mainly a favorite of the truckers, the song "Bons de Mola", in one of the great public FM Radio Broadcasters. where he has his program, at the famous Rádio BAND FM in the city of Olímpia, where the Girls and Fans enjoy music with great pleasure. In times of seclusion, Anderson and Alessander, did not rest, and given thousands of requests, held their LIVE on May 17, 2020, broadcast on Facebook and Instagram, where the hearing was followed by thousands of people. Success really is the words for Anderson and Alessander.