Unquestionably a faithful actuator of nineteen daily functions, Dionisio de Dhandréa, will not fail to surprise the national public that surrounds him for nothing, because as he always says: "I need to continue living" .The creator and editor of the "Brazilian Rodeo Flashes" Magazine, each passing year accumulates more eventualities and achievements in his life, now demanding more respect and attention, when he prepares to go to Europe next year, invited by friends of the European Nobility.
Between princes and princesses and military and civilian authority, always opting for institutional and legal action, he wants only what is his. In the thousands of photos of events with celebrities and artists, this one who was once the educational influencer, of countless authorities throughout Brazil, is seen here with "Trio Parada Dura", With Marisa Borsato owner of CHESS and the president of "The Club Independents of Barretos" Hussein Gemha Jr, With Singer Maiara, of the Country Duo "Maiara e Maraisa", with the famous Brazilian Cowboy Tião Procópio, on the occasion of the production of the international report by the your event, "Rodeio Indoor", being honored by the Commanding Officers of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo and 17th Battalion of Military Police of Rio Preto, seeing, Major Marcio Cortez, Colonel Fabio Rogério Candido, and Major Carmona and in the last photo, after presenting himself to the select public of the renowned company AGROMONTE, by invitation, as he is considered, one of the greatest voices of Elvis Presley in Latin America, he meets the businessman Ênio Agrelli and kindly asks Dionisio de Dhandréa, for to return to the stage, to sing with him, his favorite song, MY WAY, causing great impact to the guests present by Eloy Gonçalves. But in addition to all this, he has 24 professions that he attends carefully.
Reported by André Alves de Araujo.