São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

Country Girls Party of Icém-SP 2021

For the joy of the Cowboys, in a commendable effort, Mr. Pedro Lucas, Director of the Cultural Folder of the small town of Icém - SP, will be carrying out, together with the social and political leaders of the community, the Country Party, for the choice or election of the "Country Girl", in view of the fact that it is already a traditional event in the town, and that, according to his words, this return to held, was one comunity, thats  waiting by all people fãs of rodeo,,  the achievements of this party, which previously had the most assiduous cultural representative of the city, Mrs. Edna Miranda, in of the proximity, in every year, of the date for the great "Cowboys Country Party", or rodeo of Icém.

Photo: Brazilian Rodeo Flashes

The Icém Country Beauty Contest will elected the top ten most beautyfull, of the the previous qualifiers, being held now, its final stage, where the three future finalists will be crowned as the most beautiful country representatives of the city of Icém in the year 2021 .

This city known as "The Princess of the Valley", throughout Brazil, was famous for its great carnivals in the month of February held, every year 90 and 2000, were memorable.

With the support of Dear Mr. Manoel Braga, Former Mayor of two elected mandates, from Icém, we were able to contact the helpful and painstaking Mr. Director Pedro Lucas, to register the future holding of this contest, which will be held in the Municipal Sports Court, in this next Friday, from 08:00 pm, for a restricted number of lucky guests and inviteds, since the sanitary restrictions of distance and the number of individuals, indoors, still remain.

In the photo, a memory of the great competitions in the City of Icém, recorded by Dionisio de Dhandréa, in previous years, led by Edna Miranda.