São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

29ª Farroupilha Cavalcade from the 

town of Alpestre - RS

Regional Rural Family House in Alpestre-RS, present at the event

The Municipality of Alpestre in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - (State of largest River South), Brazil, started today its Interdistrict Commemorative Ride on Horseback for the Farroupilha Revolution. The teams of Riders will make a circuit of roads and will visit several communities, where in each of them, they will be welcomed by the residents and people involved in supporting the Riders of the Largest River, when there are also dinners, and of course, barbecues and dances, bringing the largestness River spirit to the festivities.

In the photo, the brave who lead this beautiful event, from left to right, holding the trophy, Deputy Mayor Rudimar Argenton, with him the boss Ivo Danielli from CTG "Os Sinuelos", the Priest Valmor Tomasi and at the end , the country boss "Valtuir Dal Pra" together at the opening of the celebrations.

Encouraged in schools with specific approaches to the regional traditions of the state, with artists present in schools taking music, poetry, and accounts of customs and traditions to students, with the initiative of the secretary of education and municipal government.

Before the start of the parade to the circuit, the priest's blessing for the divine protection of the riders

At the beginning there was a civic act in front of the municipal government, with the presence of several public schools, where students were in traditional gaúcho costumes and the girls were also in traditional dresses. of the years, so it is worth putting it in your travel schedule record, for one day visiting the beautiful municipality of Alpestre, with its traditions.

Programming for Riders

On the 15th, Thursday of September, expected arrival of the riders, to the locality of Saltinho do Café, at 17:00h, with landing at the place.
On the 16th Friday, the Riders will have lunch at the locality, in Sanga da Terra. - Estimated arrival time at Linha Barki, at 17:00h., Landing at the place. With a dance group presentation after dinner.

On the 17th, Saturday - the riders will have lunch in the locality of Sertãozinho, then continue, expected to arrive in the locality of Encruzilhada Gaúcha around 5 pm.
On the 18th of September, Saturday - Arrival of the cavalcade at CTG - Center of Traditions Gauchas, "Os Sinuelos". Around 11 am. Where lunch will be served.
On September 20, ending the festivities of the Farroupilha week, there will be a Catholic Creole Mass at CTG, and at 10 am. With lunch on the place.
On the 30th, Lecture Show with Clóvis Mendes at 7pm. At CTG Headquarters and after dinner, a lunch will be served.
All this commanded by Patrão IVO DANIELLI of the Gaucho Traditions Center "Os Sinuelos."

Translations or meanings of Words : 
Gaúcho - objects, clothes, speech and people who are from the State of "Rio Grande do Sul", In Brazil.
Gauchesco - one who is in style, attire or comes from the State of "Rio Grande do Sul", in Brazil.