Tramontina Bring News Products for Eletric Market
After manufacturing Country Knives ( Campeiro ) and even swords, now the best modern artifacts are with TRAMONTINA.
After a long time manufacturing knives, including country models and even swords, in the best steel that man can produce.
The TRAMONTINA brand, now serves the market with elétric accessories produced for construction and to meet the demand of civil construction, and business.
For this reason, TRAMONTINA was present at the great event "Barbecue in Honor to Electrician's Day" held by the large electrical material store in São José do Rio Preto town in saint Paul State, "ELÉTRICA BEL", with its own stand, to show the new products , such as electrical command switches, power switches, splitters and couplers and others in general.
This shows the capacity of Brazilian industrial sectors to innovate in serving other areas, with differentiated products, however, always with the quality that such companies always provided, TRAMONTINA is certainly a great example.
In the photograph, the moment of the exhibition of the new Tramontina products at the barbecue in honor of the electricians, at Elétrica Bel, with the sellers representing Tramontina, Mister Jeferson Sassi e Eduardo, flanking the businessman José Luiz Genari, owner of Elétrica Bel, at Avenida Murchid Homsi n 577 - São José do Rio Preto - SP.
Publication of the International Magazine "BRAZILAN RODEO FLASHES" with S.G. & H. Antonio Bras Dionisio de Dhandréa.