São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

Resil's big annual party

The great host and owner of RESIL Company Carlos Talarico flanked by the singers, The Country Duo "Anderson e Alessander" at the time of the big party. Photo by Leandro Gasparetti.

Commenting on a company, from a small town, which in the last five years has become a reference in commerce and transport in this place, is really a pleasure for this writer.

RESIL, a transport and service company, is currently the most talked about enterprise in the town of Guapiaçú, which is close to the town of São José do Rio Preto, and is managed by businessman Carlos Talarico, a businessman
with vast experience and vision. whose fleet of trucks has already become a highlight on the roads of the State of São Paulo and Brazil, where its services are now required throughout the eighth Administrative Region of the state, whose Comarca is São José do Rio Preto, covering its fifty-eight cities.

Celebrating all these reasons, businessman Carlos, with his son Antonio and his wife Sandra, offered a big barbecue, accompanied by a big party, with a full buffet of delicacies and special cheeses, in their ballroom for all their employees and their families, along with businessmen, singers, authorities and the press last Sunday, December 18, 2022.

On stage, no less than the Sertaneja Duo "ANDERSON E ALESSANDER", and the tenor DIONISIO DE DHANDRÈA remembering Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley and great names of the sertanejo sertanejo, which had the show opened by the sertaneja Ângela Lima, in an eight-hour show afternoon party, with the best draft beer.

The Country Duo ANDERSON AND ALESSANDER as the biggest concert of the event, enchanted the guests of the RESIL Family in Guapiaçu - SP.

The tenor Dionisio de Dhandréa, a special guest, did not leave it for less and went with all that incomparable voice to a journey of Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, Bee Gees and others.

in the small moment of ceremony on stage to appreciate the word of the main host, it was commanded by the great rodeo narrator Della Morena, highlighting the relevant competence, seriousness and humility of Carlos Talarico.

In this way, it is a great pleasure to register this complement in our Brazilian Rodeo Flashes magazine, congratulations to all.  He is a great manager...