São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.


Antonio bras Dionisio de dhandréa - 05 - 02 2023.

With the duty of honoring the great efforts and loyal dedication of people who stand out for the good of their cultures and communities, the Magazine "Brazilian Rodeo flashes", will publish this year among people of its relation and recognizing their work and efforts for the common good, will honor and will issue certificates to those who receive the title of "BRAVE IN FIELD OF HONOR" in recognition.

Those that are related to our works will be selected for the volume and capacity of dedication and accomplishments and will then be publicly highlighted in publications.
In this first month of 2023, we selected the following names:

Paulinho leonir Gonçalves, Chairman of the board of Vaqueanos do Center of de Traditions Gauchas  ofAlpestre-RS.

Carlos Talarico, Owner of the Transport and Rendering Company in the Town of Guapiaçu-SP flanked  by Country Duo Anderson e Alessander.

Clóvis Carus, Boss (President), of the Center of  Traditions Gauchas Estância da Azemha of town Porto Alegre-RS.

Cleber Wenginowics, Boss (Prsident) of the Gaucho Traditions Center "Pousada dos Carreteiros" of the town of Cotiporâ-RS.
Congratulations to everyone....