With numerous feasts well elaborated, by commission's of "Festival cowboy of Icem town" celebrating the 25 years of your festival, was starting in the grounds of ARTI, and complete with decorations in white in the reserved area and in general ceiling, to announce their schedule, with wrangling in horses and bulls, with great prizes and performances by renowed singers, the President Paschoal Canevarolli that counts in its commission with the support of businessman Luis Miranda and also the former mayor Manoel Braga, all showed their satisfaction with the progress of work, and actually we've been there the night was a success with the animated of "Dr. Smith Band" really nailed it, surprising everyone, performed with the greatness hits live of as Lady Gaga to Mamonas Assassinas, see the video the conversation between the President and Director of the BRF.
By: Dionisio Dhandréa.
By: Dionisio Dhandréa.