São José do Rio Preto, Country Style Capital

Known as the capital of the State of São Paulo's 8th regional administrative region, in Brazil, São José do Rio Preto, as it is also known, is proud to be the host of a number of country, cattle-breeding and agrobusiness events.

Rodeo Sertãozinho "Pride and Greatness"

It is worth mentioning the great work of a committee, given the effort required to build a good event to be produced today, so let us comment on the event here of Sertãozinho town, although not in here the Region our of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, the name "Rodeo Sertãozinho", it is worth to be mentioned in our international magazine, scheduled this year for the days 8-17 July, is sponsored by businessman  Chalin Savegnago, since the first event since its first edition, but what guarantees the grandeur of the festival is also the  list performances and shows, Claudia Leite, Guilherme and Santiago, Fernando and Sorocaba,  Paula Fernandes, Gustavo Lima, Victor and Leo and Leo Magalhaes the same day, to quit nothing more, nothing less than the singers João Carreiro and Capataz. The virtual model of production structures in general, is on the site of the festival, which is produced by ARES Association Rodeo and Events Sertãozinho, so you get an idea of ​​the impact of the event, more than one hundred candidates  women was registred to compete for the title Queen's Feast, which currently belongs to Bella, Sabrina Mendes, the election of the most beautiful girl, take place on December 22, in the  Literary and Recreational Club in that town and will be great. Really a great option for fans of the Brazilian Rodeo.
By Dionisio Dhandréa