For the first time His Grace & Honor, Dionisio de Dhandréa, travels on horseback his historic and esteemed "Road Boiadeira (Cower) do BRASIL", this road that took the cattle from the center of the country, along this dirt road to the city of barretos, for the export of meat from Brazil to abroad.
His Grace & Honor Dionisio de Dhnadréa takes part in the initial 19 kilometers towards Barretos-SP, through the Historic Circuit of Estrada Boiadeira, as a special guest by the RANCH of COWBOY Entourage, from São José do Rio Preto.
Surprised with the ability and mastery with which he behaved within the journey on horseback provided by the Knights and their President, His Grace was surprised by the lack of tiredness or concern for the sun or any other concern he might have, talking a lot with the knights who accompanied him during the entire route.
After the festivities at the first landing site after passing through historical sites, at 7:52 pm, a car was arranged to bring Sua Graça back to the starting point between the towns Guapiaçu - SP, and São José do Rio Preto - SP, where the family car was, because due to commitments it could not go straight to Barretos - SP, where is the Boiadeira Road Monument in Homage to the "Boiadeiros (Cowers) of Brazil "sculpted by him..