Yesterday, the opening of the great Cowboy Rodeo party took place. da town Guapiaçu was a spectacle for those who can understand.
The joy of the public in the rodeo building, which had been transformed into a coliseum, by the structure model set up around the arena, with very high seats, which produced wonderful acoustics for listeners and fans of country music, the singer Ana Castela, who once again despised gossip columnists and the press, entered the stage and it was easy to see that the singer did not sing an entire song, in a concert that left much to be desired. But what saved the party was the joy of the people who, even so, looked for a reason to have the party, counting on the professionals, musicians who were on stage and who, at an accelerated pace, led the public to delirium, with everyone dancing, even when the singer left the stage for a long time, the backup singers almost excited the crowd more than the lead singer of the night. show I didn't see any, since the illustrious artist had difficulty wanting to dance, or follow the choreography of her team of dancers. actually who put on a show. it was the people.Speaking of another subject, the people did contribute to the success of the event or party, as there was a huge audience, filling the side areas of the enclosure, and in the street in front of the fast food, and many children were delighted with the abundance of colors and goodies, this way yes, the people deserve it.Congratulations to the municipal government of this city of Guapiaç -SP, for the gift given to the people, by itself the rodeo party was beautiful.
Edition: "Dionisio de Dhandréa".
Foto: Thiago Araújo