Respect and reverence for the memory of the old professional riders, who dedicated their lives to taking horses and cattle to the fields and taking care of them throughout their development on large farms, and even during the immense journey along old dirt roads In the 20th century, for taking cattle ready for slaughter in meat processing cities, they are present and permanently celebrated by the Brazilian people.
These were the Brazilian cowboys who are known in official history as Boiadeiros or peões, they were the Brazilian cowboys.
Today, due to their heroic memory or the fans of these trailblazers who built the progress of the great agricultural farms in Brazil, even their descendants, children and grandchildren, perform in their honor in August, the great cavalcades, in groups made up of several riders who are called as companies, each with its own symbols and name, and thus travel the geographical and historical route of the "
Estrada Boiadeira do Brasil", a route on which thousands lost their lives due to attacks by animals such as jaguars, snakes, lightning, scorpions, falls or even being run over by uncontrolled or frightened cattle, which could be for several reasons.
I, Antonio Bras Dionisio de Dhandréa, representing the International Brazilian Rodeo Flashes magazine, on August 20th of this year 2023, had the honor of being welcomed into this social circle of the rider, or as cowboy riders, pedestrians or in the singular, pedestrian, pedestrians or riders of the RANCHO DO PEÃO company, who began their historic and commemorative journey, entering the cattle road, already on the border of the dirt road on the border between the cities of São José do Rio Preto and Cidade de Guapiaçu.
They will then face to the final city much less than many riders, who by geographic location, are at the beginning of the historic Road, since the initial official historic route is where the first geographic signs are located, of the historic departure of the old cattle companies. , in the city of Paranaíba - MS, towards its final destination, which was the city of Barretos-SP. where cattle were killed and processed into meat and leather for export.
Today many companies of knights, also called entourages, celebrate the memory of these former brave professionals, retracing this route, during this month of August when they arrive there there is the famous Festa do Peão Boiadeiro de Barretos, with concerts, rodeos, numerous competitions country talents, young rodeos and great prizes for participants.
I took part of the journey on a mount provided by the horsewoman from the Ranchos do Peão entourage, Celina Souza and her husband Jesus, riding along a festive route in which the men sang and talked about numerous subjects, accompanied by good country music, but also with cars support by bringing water and drinks.
In charge of the work is the austere and attentive president of the riders, Mr. Celso Boina, who attentively and humbly advised and safely warned the most careless riders of possible dangers, mainly due to the presence of several children on horses who accompanied their parents, some descendants, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Boiadeiros or Peões, always assisted by their Vice President, Mr. José Neves.
So we arrived at the first point on the road where the first inn would take place, where the horses rest and people gather to celebrate, sing, dance and tell old and new stories about country life, moments that greatly please the rider and permanent member of the Rancho do Peão, Jesus Pereira dos Santos.
For this to happen smoothly, the men responsible for cooking and preparing the cattlemen's food go ahead, a few kilometers from the entourage, which must always be ready when the entourage arrives tired to recover from the horseback ride, anxious for the delicious food made locally, which is traditionally called: The garlic quiema.
In this way, the first day of the cavalcade of this historic route comes to an end with country singers, with guitar music and lots of joy, which will last for several poses until they reach the city of Barretos.
I, Dionisio de Dhandréa, also worked faithfully to make this cultural movement that is a living document of our History memorable, sculpting the two historical landmarks, called "Anonymous Heroes of Cowboy Road", one built in town Paranaiba - MS, where he was born the first traces of the road, and the other, at the end of the road, in the City of Barretos - SP, at the intersection where the road ends, which made me very happy, as my grandfather Benedito José Pereira, was a great cowboy and the Barretos town monument has his face,
Your Grace & Honor Dionisio Dhandréa in Country Photo equestrian during event.
Edition : Dionisio Dhandréa
Photo: Thiago Araújo